Employers is one of the important components in the progress of a company. This causes the employee recruiting process is one of important processes in the business process. You are employer in Agrotech company. In this year you are looking for 13 new employee for MT Program consisting of :
- 4 MT Sales,
- 3 MT Marketing,
- 2 MT Finance,
- 2 MT Manufacture,
- 2 MT Supply Chain Management.
Every job applicant will seek to show their abilities and personalities in order to chosen to be one of your employees accordance with the values of the company that you have. So that’s important to set what the value that the candidates must has to meet your company value. But there are many problems faced your company in this recruitment process. The company only have 1 month to do this recruitment process. And your company budget is only 5.000 $. For your information there are 4000 candidates who have sent their application.
There are the questions that you must to answer :
1. Please choose 4 company value that you think is most important owned by the candidate with the priorities numbers ! And why that value are important
2. Please give the selection process that most appropriate to find out the candidate who have the values that you want ! (Don’t forget with the consideration of problems that the company has)
Notes : You only have 20 minutes to answer that questions before you going to discussion process.
Just remain that there is no voting activity during this FGD, the final decision is only come from the discussion