Human resource is a valuable resource, or asset of every organization without the human resource, no organization can accomplish the organization goal. In an industrial sector, there is a lot of chance and various factors which may create physical hazards and injuries. Occupational safety, healthy, industrial hygiene is the legal provision which covers under the factories Act 1948, but it is unpleasant that they are not implementing effectively (Gary Dessler, 2005).
Industrial employees are exposed to various occupational hazards or injuries the work environment. By identity the factors which create physical hazards and economic loss of the industries, we can provide the solution to prevent the various industrial hazards. So by applying various steps of safety measures or safety precautions which may be helpful for the employee to work in the fearless environment of various industrial hazards and it will leads to achieve the organizational goal (Basu, 1990).
In every organization the human resource management plays a vital role comparing to other departments because safety is one of the functions of personnel department and there may be specialist in charge of safety under the personnel division (, 2009). By review the concepts of various authors the researcher view about the Human Resource Management is “The oxygen is the most important one to survive in this world”. Likewise the Human Resource Management is very important one in every organization industrial field. Human Resource Management helps the organization to get a remarkable name in the competitive industrial field.
And the human resource management provides various provisions to the employee of the organization for the safety, health, welfare. Safety is the major issue in every organization which has the greatest
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