Sub-theme :- “Women Empowerment through Buddhism”.
Author name :-AshwiniSudhakarShirsath
Address :-VanitaVihar ,AGC,Karve Rd,Pune-4
Mobile no.:-8983462187
In the present paper the following points are discussed:-
Introduction-“If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man's superior”. Mahatma Gandhi.
Empowerment of women occurs in reality, when women achieve increased control and participation in decision making that leads to their better access to resources, and therefore, improved socio-economic status.The emergence of Buddhism in India proved to be highly beneficial for the women.
Women Empowerment at the Time Of The Buddha –At the time of Buddha,the highest form of freedom was enjoyed by women equally with man.The highest path of spirituality was open to her.Buddha never considered women as being inferior to men. The Buddha emphasized the fruitful role the women as a wife and a good mother in making the family life a success.
Women Empowerment In India - In 1956, BharatRatnaDr.B.R.Ambedkar with his two lakh followers embraced Buddhism,people from the Untouchable community, in large numbers became the followers of Buddhism.He brought back once lost Buddhism to India.The new religion led to theupliftment of women, enabled them to rise in position. Many women turned social activists, Bhikkunis ,organisers,etc.They spent their entire lives for the good of the society.
Empowerment of Buddhist women in the world- In recognition of the United Nation's International Women's Day March 8, 2002, an international committee of Buddhist clergy, scholars and laity