EMR Innovations
Table of Contents
Executive summary 3
Introduction& problem /issues identification 4 EMR’s product and how is attempting to market 4
External Analysis 6 Opportunities 6 RV industry 6 RV culture 6 Threats 7 Competitors 7
Analysis and recode current situation 8 Internal analysis 8 RVs internal weakness and strength 8 EMR Innovations internal weakness and strength 9
Marketing Audit 10 RV’s Current Marketing Strategy 10 Main objective 10 Main targets 10 RV’s Problems 11
Alternative Strategies 12 Marketing and distribution of the lock- awn 12
Recommended Strategy 13
Executive summary
Reynolds are a young couple that transferred their interest over RV’s (recreational vehicles) into a profitable business. Their main objective was to be the “ the supplier of innovative RV products”.
Eric Reynolds came up with innovative product called “Lock-Awn Anti-Billowing Device” , he thought that this product would achieve their goal and repaired RV deficiencies.
They wanted to market their product through their own company ”EMR Innovations” , so that they believed that they need to specify various fields with different point ;product , customer, money , competitor and “Lock-Awn Anti-Billowing Device” marketing strategies .
The report analysis involve the main external and internal factors that would influence their marketing strategy ( SWOT analysis ) .
Then analysis the current RV’s strategies and how their plans detail with the marketing variables of product, price, place and promotion ( four Ps of marketing) which are used to attain the marketing plan’s objectives and overall strategies.
There are three variables distribution channels ( direct and in direct ) according to their alternative strategy. Than recommended strategies.
Introduction& problem /issues identification
EMR’s product and how is attempting to market