Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate mastery of the writing process, from invention to revision.
Identify and explore research resources.
Required Setup and Resources
ITT Tech Virtual Library Exploration 1
Internet and ITT Tech Virtual Library access
Recommended Procedures
This assignment will require you to engage in a guided exploration of the ITT Tech Virtual Library resources. You must submit the below completed ITT Tech Virtual Library Exploration worksheet as a graded assignment for this lab. Be sure to complete the worksheet as thoroughly as you can.
Submit the completed exploration worksheet to your instructor as indicated. Use the back of the worksheet to record any notes that you make about the lab. Be sure to include your name and date on your submission.
ITT Tech Virtual Library Exploration
Student Name: _________________________________
Course Day/Time: _________________________________
Instructor: _________________________________
Unit 2 Lab 1: ITT Tech Virtual Library Exploration
The ITT Tech Virtual Library is an important research resource. The exploration lab you complete will facilitate your navigation and knowledge of a few resources in the library. Keep in mind that there is much more to discover!
Complete this lab worksheet and turn it in according to your instructor’s directions.
1. Access your School of Study.
My School of Study is: ___________________________________
2. Locate the list of links to professional organizations.
One professional organization I plan to find out more about is: ____________________________________
3. Scroll down to the section on finding books in your field. Then fill in the blanks in the sentence below:
a. Books about __________________________ are generally classified ___________________________________________ in the Library of Congress classification system.
4. Access the Research Guide. Scroll down to