Course Objectives Covered by this Unit * CO8: Apply techniques to write functions in programs.
Unit Learning Outcomes * LO32: Describe the usefulness of functions in computer programs. * LO33: Write functions using pseudocode/flowcharts. * LO34: Differentiate between the various functions created for use in computer programs. * LO35: Write input validation loops and validation functions to check accuracy of input data.
Key Concepts * Structures of functions * Use the library functions * Input validation loops and validation functions
Reading * Gaddis, Chapter 6, “Functions,” pages 217-218 (through Library Functions) and 225-231 (through How to Use Functions) * Gaddis, Chapter 7, “Input Validation”
Keywords Use the following keywords or phrases to search for additional materials to support your work: * Functions * Modules * Library functions * Function header * Function body * Return statements * Passing arguments by values * Passing arguments by references * Garbage-in-garbage-out (GIGO) * Input validation
Learning Activities
EXPLORE Activity 8: Research Assignment 1: Exploring How to Call External Program or Function from a Program
Homework, Graded
Course Support Tools required for this activity: * None
This is a research assignment in which students will explore the Internet and the ITT Tech Virtual Library and answer the following question: * In general, how do you call an external function or program that is written in different programming language? For instance, how would you call a Java program within a Visual Basic program or launch a PowerPoint presentation from a Visual Basic program?
Submit assignment at the start of Unit 10.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Unit Learning Outcome attached to this activity: LO32 through LO35
Course Objective supported by this activity: CO8
APPLY Activity