End of the World
Doomsday Living in a world and knowing that it could end at any second is a pretty scary realization. Our planet has an unlimited lifespan and there are many predictions as to when this will all be over. Many people are fearing the newest, well-known prediction for our end. December 21st, 2012 is now entirely feared and the most anticipated date to come. There are many believers and non-believers of this so-called doomsday. Although scientists and others have argued the end of the world, closer examination has shown that the Holy Bible (King James version), the ancient Mayan Civilization, and some scientific evidence support the idea of the world ending in our near future but we are not certain of the exact date. Many doubts have occurred about our species dying out on Earth. Whether it is believed or not there is evidence in the Holy Bible stating that the world as we know it may one day end. Matthew 24:3 states “And as he sat upon the mount of olives, the disciples come unto him privately saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). One source further explains what this verse means, “In Matthew 24:3, Jesus was asked about the sign of His coming and the end of his age. He gave many prophecies of many events to happen before his return.”(United Church of God). The verses then go on continue with Jesus explaining what will happen before his return, “He said there would be religious deceptions, wars and rumors or wars, famines, disease epidemics, and earthquakes, --” most of which have been happening, “-- all leading to a time of Great Tribulation when mankind would be on the verge of destroying all life on the earth if the time wasn’t cut short. Then Jesus prophesized there would be heavenly signs, and he would return with power and great glory.” (UCOG). From this we can understand that many sorrows will occur before Jesus returns and/or the end of the world. In the book of Matthew, “-- he
Cited: Holy Bible King James Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
End of the World. 9 Jan 2012 .
Talcott, Richard. “Earth’s Deadly Future.” Astronomy Vol. 35, NO. 7. July 2007: 28-33.
SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 09 Jan 2012.
United Church of God. United Church of God. 1995-2012. United Church of God. 9
January 2012. .