A Study of Factors Influencing Energy Conservation Behavior
Richard Semenik, University of Utah
Russell Belk, University of Utah
John Painter, University of Utah
ABSTRACT - Previous research on factors that influence energy conservation behavior have almost without exception been restricted to demographic investigations using bivariate analyses. The present study attempts to go beyond prior research by using a richer set of non-demographic predictors in the context of gasoline conservation. Multivariate analysis of the predictors suggests that greater understanding of conserver and non-conserver groups can be achieved with a broader set of predictor variables.
[ to cite ]:
Richard Semenik, Russell Belk, and John Painter (1982) ,"A Study of Factors Influencing Energy Conservation Behavior", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 09, eds. Andrew Mitchell, Ann Abor, MI : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 306-312.
Advances in Consumer Research Volume 9, 1982 Pages 306-312
Richard Semenik, University of Utah
Russell Belk, University of Utah
John Painter, University of Utah
Previous research on factors that influence energy conservation behavior have almost without exception been restricted to demographic investigations using bivariate analyses. The present study attempts to go beyond prior research by using a richer set of non-demographic predictors in the context of gasoline conservation. Multivariate analysis of the predictors suggests that greater understanding of conserver and non-conserver groups can be achieved with a broader set of predictor variables.
The energy problems first highlighted by the 1973-74 gasoline and fuel oil shortages have spawned a considerable number of research efforts on the topic of energy conservation. Reviews by Anderson and Cullen (1979), Farhar, et al. (1979), Frankena,
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