Research Question:
What are the differences between renewable and nonrenewable energy and should renewable energy be promoted? I. Thesis statement:
The side effect of extracting nonrenewable energy, the advantages of using renewable sources in producing energy and the capacity of both of them are the three main points that have pushed engineers to focus and to improve the field of energy. II. Introduction of energy Source: (Touryan, 2012, p. 41) & (Eerkens, 2006, p. 1) III. The difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy A. Definition of nonrenewable energy B. Definition of renewable energy Source: (Goldemberg, 2012, p. 46) IV. Nonrenewable energy disadvantages and solutions C. Environmental effect (pollution): emission of CO2 and others gases when extracting from fossil fuels Source: (Chakravorty, Moreaux & Tidball, 2008, p. 1128-1129) & (Chakravorty, Leach & Moreaux, 2012, p. 1448-1450) & (Lyon & Lee, 2004, p. 377-379 & 390-391) & (Tahvonen & Salo, 2001, p. 1379-1382 & 1395-1396) D. Increasing price Source: (Marcelo & Fernando, 2010, p. 43-44 & 52) & (Tahvonen & Salo, 2001, p. 1379-1382 & 1395-1396) E. Diminishment of nonrenewable resources Source: (Schumacher, 2011, p. 495 & 496) F. Solutions 1. reducing the extraction of fossil fuels Source: (Schumacher, 2011, p. 495 & 496) 2. switching to renewable or sustainable energy Source: (Schumacher, 2011, p. 495 & 496) & (Touryan, 2012, p. 42-43) V. Renewable energy G. Different forms 3. Biofuel Source: (Goldemberg, 2012, p. 46) 4. Biomass Source: (Goldemberg, 2012, p. 46) 5. Geothermal Source: (Goldemberg, 2012, p. 54) 6. Hydroelectric Source: (Goldemberg, 2012, p. 48) 7. Solar energy Source: (Goldemberg, 2012, p. 52-53)
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