Michaela Waugh I am the personality type ENFJ, these letters stand for Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judgement. These four characteristics determine what kind of personality I have and how it affects my life. Extraverts are socially motivated and add energy to social gatherings, iNtuitive is a way we perceive information and intuitive takes a look at the larger picture and possibilities. Feeling is associated with decision making and is to be a more social approach to resolving conflict. Judgement is thinking and is how we see things or put our own spin on them. ENFJ is an accurate representation of my personality and my actions. We have a multitude of strengths and weaknesses. Strengths being; tolerance, altruism, natural leader but also weaknesses like over idealism, selflessness to an extended degree and fluctuating self-esteem. Extravert is a very strong characteristic; I am extremely social in all aspects of my life, including home life, job and friendships. In my home life I am not afraid to speak my mind at dinner table disagreements or if there is a difference of opinion, this is also welcomed in my home. These arguments can vary from aboriginal rights in Canada to who should clean the bathroom and why, the topic itself is not of great importance but how to end the conversation in your favour. I currently work at McDonalds and I have been for almost a year and a half now. It didn’t take me long to get comfortable around coworkers but now I have voluntarily seniorized myself, taking charge and directing people where they need to be. I would call this a fine line between leadership and being “bossy” because I have not been promoted just have seniority over other staff and have taken it upon myself to have things up to my standards. My social life is quite large even though I may only have 5 close friends I have many friends and even more acquaintances. It’s quite simple to keep in touch with the push of a few buttons and the
Bibliography: "Portrait of an ENFJ - Extraverted INtuitive Feeling Judging (Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Intuition)." Portrait of an ENFJ. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2015. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015 "ENFJ Personality." 16Personalities. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2015.