A third assessment offered is the quantitative top down constructed The Jung Typology Test that is used for prediction. Individual obtain their four letter type formula according to Carl Jung’s and Briggs-Myers’ typology approach to personality. It is a shorter version of the MBTI, providing the same information on the 16PF on a much smaller scale. The JTT has a closed end question format that forces participants to choose their answer on a Likert-scale. There is a reduction in error because there is no proctor present and the instructions are easy to read.…
The historical backdrop of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) began with Carl Jung, the organiser of analytical psychology. Jung believed that individuals are either stimulated by the outer world (Extraversion) or their own inner world (Introversion). In the same way Jung observed individuals took in data (Perceiving) or organise data and frame a conclusion (Judging). Additionally Jung noted that individuals mostly demonstrate a dominant part. In this way, in 1921, Jung distributed Psychological Types in which he displayed the thought of Jungian models (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Manual, 2012). Isabel Myers-Briggs developed the MBTI in the 1920s based on Jung’s theoretical constructs with an additional two dimensions of styles of living, consisting of a fourth scale that measures perceiving and judging (Myers, McCaully, Quenck, & Hammer, 2003; Mullins, 2005; Schreuder & Coetzee, 2011). The outcome of additional dimensions of styles to Jung’s theory results in the MBTI being designed to measure 16 personality types: ISTJ (introversion, sensing, thinking, judging), ISFJ (introversion, sensing, feeling, judging), INFJ (introversion, intuition, feeling, judging), INTJ (introversion, intuition, thinking, judging), ISTP (introversion,…
Prior to taking the Jung Typology test someone might not understand how they view the world around them or what their driving force is. A failure to understand one’s temperament could result in being employed in a job that is not seen as satisfying or generally a miscommunication with employees and employers. Personally, I would implore anyone who stumbles upon this paper to take a few minutes out of their day and take the Jung Typology Test not only does this quiz help find one’s passion but actually mirrors most people’s strengths accurately. Upon reading this paper the reader will not only have a greater understanding of my personality but jobs that most people who perceive the world the way I do would excel in as well. Four temperaments…
The Jung Personality test is also known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is an assessment that is designed to help someone who is taking the test understand his/her preference towards perceiving and judging information through four categories; Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, Perceiving vs. judging and Extrovert vs. Introvert. After taking the assessment, the results indicated that I have a slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (22%). I also have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) as well as a moderate preference…
Taking the Myers Briggs test I scored a type ISTJ and was named a Trustee, meaning that I was more introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging than my mate although similar with a type ISFJ and names conservator tying between introverted and extroverted,…
According to Jung Typology Test’s result, ENTP is my personality type. The accuracy of personality tests are doubtful for me. They seem to me like the given descriptions by horoscopes, any one gets this result would probably think it was he or she, especially since it is mostly praising. So that, I looked at the weakness to figure out whether ENTP describes me exactly or not.…
“Describe and evaluate Carl Jung’s theory concerning personality types and show how they might usefully help a therapist to determine therapeutic goals”.…
In order to better understand myself and others, I turned to the reliable, comprehensive Jung typology test. Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, compiled this personality test based on the work of famous early twentieth century psychologist Carl Jung. The test determines one's personality type based on four parameters – an introverted/extroverted…
In my Myers-Briggs assessment I found that my am an ISTJ. I was not surprise when I was told I have a strong preference if introvert than extraversion. I really enjoy working alone and doing things at my own pace. I not really much of the social type or the partying type. The power to be able to focus and make the best logical decisions possible is very much needed as a quality in becoming a child welfare specialist. I am modern sensing over intuition this doesn’t surprise me at…
The results of my test results are as followed: extravert 19%, sensing 2%, feeling 22%, and judging 9%. I have a slight preference of extraversion over introversion, a slight preference of sensing over intuition, slight preference of feeling over thinking, and judging over perceiving. This makes my personality type ESFJ.…
The type of personalities of every individual is very important. While doing an evaluation of myself using Jung Typology Test, I discovered that I was an ENFJ individual. My primary objective is identity seeking. My life consists of being a teacher or a giver. An ENFJ is an extraverted, iNtuitive, feeling, and judging person. “Each of the ENFJ’s preferences compound to make them a natural convincer. Their energy comes from the outwardly directed, socially oriented, gregarious external world (Extraversion). They prefer to perceive the world as having endless possibilities and meanings (iNtuition), which they use to make subjective, interpersonally based decisions (Feelings). They prefer to live their daily lives in a structured, scheduled, and orderly fashion (Judging), (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, pg. 386).” This means that I have extraverted feelings with introverted intuitions. I am a people- focused individual. However, I am considered a smooth talker and very persuading. It is said that ENFJ’s are natural sales people. I found it funny that this statement is true. I am an insurance agent with Allstate. My everyday life…
In the Myers-Briggs Type indicator/Jung’s Typology Test results I scored ENFJ, which stands for extrovert, intuitive, feeler, and judger. These results seem extremely accurate to me. I do enjoy spending time with people, talking to them, and trying my best to understand them. People fascinate me yet I find it difficult to open up to the people around me, which is a common characteristic among ENFJ’s. Being intuitive, I tend to look at the big picture rather than detail. I rely on my gut rather than my conscious. As a feeler, the decisions I make tie in with the values I grew up learning, leading with my heart and naturally gravitate towards people. Lastly, as a judger, I am super organized! Having a preference towards planned and settled activities.…
My personality type is INTJ. I am 78% introvert, 25% intuitive, 12% thinking, and 56% judging, (www.humanmetrics.com, 2011). I found the test to be accurate and agreed with the results. Introverts are perfectionists that have a high level of confidence. Most introverts are logical thinkers that open their minds to all possibilities. “INTJs are ideal people. They think anything is possible and everything is negotiable, (www.humanmetrics.com, 2011). I possess this introvert quality. I believe that there are always exceptions to rules.…
After taking the Myer’s Briggs assessment, I learned I have a personality type ISFP(Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving), and the second closest type ESFP (Extraverted, Sensing,feeling, Perceiving). I took this assessment several years ago and my type was INTP(introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving), so I am a little suspicious that either I have changed, or the test isn’t that accurate. IN some respects I am an ISFP, and I agree that extroversion and introverison are two sides to my personality. The description on the website (myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/the-16-mbti-types.asp#ISFP) fits me perfectly, such as being quite and friendly, like having my own space, and prefer to work within my own time frame. I also dislike conflict and disagreements, but INTP also reflects my personality because most of the time I am interested more in solitude than social interaction. I am also very skeptical , critical, and try to analyze everthing. ESFP also describes me because I am friendly, but I am not outgoing, and I have a hard time being flexible. I do love life, and I am for the most part very accepting of people, but I do not adapt…
First I took the personaily test that stated that my personality type is ENTJ. For me to obtain an understanding of my personality type, it is important for me to develop an interpretation of the meaning of ENTJ. Briefly, the ‘E’ refers to Extroversion (vs. Introversion), which means that I am outgoing and tend to focus on the outer world of people and things. The ‘N’ refers to Intuitive (vs. Sensing), which means my interests lie in relationships, and I focus on the future with a view towards patterns and possibilities. The ‘T’ refers to Thinking (vs. Feelings), which means I tend to base decisions primarily on thinking things through instead of emotions. The ‘J’ refers to Judging (vs. Perceptive), which means I prefer to approach life in a more planned and organized manner and like to have things settled. On an overall perspective, as an EFTJ, I am a warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible person. I am highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. I look to find potential and good in everyone, and I enjoy helping others to fulfill their potential. I can be a catalyst for individual and group growth, as I am loyal and responsive to praise and criticism. I am sociable, a good facilitator to others in a group and can provide inspiring leadership.…