Compared with the MBTI is has a convergent validity, they both measures the same construct or concept but uses different methods. The JTT also has face validity but lacks accurate predictive validity. However, because of its subjective scoring there is a large chance for error. In addition, the last assessment offered is the Personal Values Assessment (PVA). The PVA structure is a simple survey that takes a …show more content…
The MBTI has been subjected to many criticisms due to transparency, lack of objectivity and readability. The subjective accuracy of the current MBTI depends on the participant being honest during their self-reporting. The most common bias is from the individual taking the test. For example if the person knows that this results will be looked at by future employers then will try to make themselves seem more outgoing and responsible than they really are. As a result, individuals are highly motivated to fake their response. A second criticism and problem with the MBTI is that it either seems extremely transparent and other times the wording is very vague. Although the questions are very transparent, the data reported can be very vague and generalize, so much so that it can be applied to any personality type. Therefore, participants end up rating their descriptions highly. Lastly, the MBTI lacks predicative