In this case discussing both projective and self-report personality tests in terms of their reliability and validity in a social context. These tests are extremely useful in multiple ways such as calculating future behaviour and recognizing future behaviours according to Plotnik (2002). There are so many personality tests available for use but this essay will discuss the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – 2, the Rorschach Inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test. These personality tests are used by various people in society such as researchers, doctors and employers, because it allows them to analyse someone’s personality and draw conclusions relative to their area. Although the extent to which each test is accurate can be disputed. Before the tests can be discussed in terms of their reliability and validity we must first understand how each of them test for …show more content…
In this test the participant is shown 10 inkblots of varying shape and pattern, and are asked to interpret the image. The answers given are interpreted and analysed in order to create an individual’s personality. Furthermore, the way in which participants answer and the time taken for them to give an answer is taken into account. One of the controversial aspects of this test is that psychologists can have different coding schemes which means that one person can take the inkblot test and give the same answers in the same way, but can get different results depending the person analysing the