Mr. J. Partin
ENG 112-FJT19
10 November 2011
Adults Playing as Children It is a typical day for me and my alarm just went off. I hop out of bed, go to the bathroom and then fix breakfast. Right afterwards I head over to my computer and go to my favorites tab. From here, I open multiple tabs all containing message boards to my favorite anime artists. Hours fly by as I sit there reading what everyone else had to say about a particular drawing, or how everyone had taken my post from last night. All throughout my surfing time I pop in a Hot Pocket or two; something quick with little mess. With the den a mess and my obsession still feeding, mom will be home soon. I know I should probably pick up after myself, but I think mom likes to clean. She does it every day. Instead of cleaning up, I decide to do a Google search looking for more fan sites. Now its five thirty and mom strolls in with her hands full of groceries. I acknowledge her with a simple greeting and then return to my screen. After putting the groceries up she walks into the den. With an irritated tone she simply says, “You couldn’t have picked up your food wrappers when you were done eating.” With a simple shrug and “I forgot,” I continue to surf through the pages. Moments later my mom comes back and sits down in the den, right behind me. I spin my chair around and she requests a moment to talk. The entire time we talked, the only thing I could hear was blah, blah, blah, until she ended her statement with, “Aren’t you ever going to grow up? You are doing the same things you were doing almost ten years ago in high school. You need higher education and a career. You can’t keep living like you’re fifteen.” I was speechless. Never had I stopped to think about what I was doing with myself, just kind of kept playing games. Where was I heading in life as a student, child, and citizen? I started looking for a job and wanted to apply for college, but I could not pull myself from my
Cited: Bauerlein, Mark. The Dumbest Generation. New York: Penguin, 2009. Print. Brown, Arnold. "Relationships, Community, And Identity In The New Virtual Society." Futurist 45.2 (2011): 29-34 Ferri, Anthony. "Emergence Of The Entertainment Age?." Society 47.5 (2010): 403-409. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. Social Networking 14.5 (2011): 275-280. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. Emotionally Closer Relationships With Offline Network Members." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 14.4 (2011): 253-258 27 Sept. 2011. McQuillen, Jeffrey S. "The Influence Of Technology On The Initiation Of Interpersonal Relationships." Education 123.3 (2003): 616 Morse, Margaret. Virtualities : Television, Media Art, And Cyberculture. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998