I've been wih stoneydown primary school for nearly a year and i'm always learning new things , helping year one it's been extremely helpful on my teaching assistant course , we have to respect which individual limitations and abilities to learn .
RESPONSIBILITIES - To create a safe, happy, positive, stimulating, Multicultural learning environment in which children can be cared for.
1. To work as an integral member of the team, creating a safe, constructive and stimulating environment for the children.
2. To meet the children’s individual needs, appropriate to their stage and level of development.
3. To be involved in the setting up and clearing away at the start and end of each session as required.
4. To be involved with the planning of activities.
5. To foster children’s growth of development and self reliance, and to be involved in children’s activities with a view to supporting and extending these activities appropriately.
6. To ensure that toys and equipment are maintained, clean and safe to play with or use.
7. To understand and comply with the Fire Drill Practise.
8. To attend and take part in staff and other relevant meetings.
9. To keep a daily register, first aid box and other relevant records as required.
10. To communicate with parents and carers in a positive, constructive manner.
11. To make time available on a regular basis to discuss the day to day running of the setting with other members of staff.
In my setting all policies and procedures are kept in the main office and are available to view at all times. It is very important that I am familiar with these policies and follow them at all times.
In my setting there is a safeguarding folder and it is my responsibility to read this file and keep up to date with any changes or amendments that may arise. This is important as I need to know what to do when I think there is a safeguarding issue with any child/children.
I must follow the confidentiality policy and not discuss any information about children, their families and sensitive information about school matters to anyone unless there is an appropriate reason to do so.
Following the health & safety policy I must record any accidents in the relevant ACCIDENT book and fill an accident slip in to send home to notify the parent/carer of their child’s accident. Check the furniture, equipment and toys are safe for children to use before the children come into the setting and report any hazards/faulty equipment to the appropriate person as soon as possible.
As a teaching assistant we need to promote a lots of support to those who doesn't catch up as quickly as the others .
In regards to the EYFS we promote the development of language and literacy through talking, telling stories, singing songs and rhymes. I encourage all children to interact and work co-operatively with others and engage in all activities. we also support the inclusion and acceptance of all children within the setting.
All staff and people doing their placement should sign in and out in the book located on reception Full time members of staff only need to sign in and out if they leave the premises during the official school times.
As we have an outstanding healthy school award we need to maintain the high standards of HEALTHY EATING making sure the children have healthy lunch boxes and we also provide hot meals, which caters vegetarians as well. We also need to make sure children are eating their meals and not playing at the in time.
⦁ Reflective practice is imperative in order to ensure that high standards are kept continuously as circumstances,children and environments change.In order to reflect one must continuously be aware of approaches used and how they can be changed or developed to improve.Continually improving and adapting approaches benefits both children and practitioners ,ensuring that each individual child's needs are catered for.Reflective practice involves evolving in a child centred approach.The childcare benefits as his/her skills grow and develop ,enabling the highest standards of care and provision.It also promotes a better level of understanding and acceptance of those different from us,taking on board the opinions,cultures and attitudes of others to ensure a diverse and positively productive daily experience that enables higher levels of understanding from all .It also FOSTERS personal and team development because a reflective practice evolves our experiences thus enabling higher standards of learning experiences.Experience can only be beneficial when it is either a positive experience (good practice),or a negative experience that is reflected upon and consequently changed and improved.Carers that deem experience alone as a credential to good practice are not developing,learning and reaching their fullest potential.Instead they are `stuck in practices and habits that may be over used,bad practice or practice that has not reached its full potential. Hole supports this view within his Experimental learning cycle.Kolb values the importance of concrete experience
⦁ Observation and reflection
⦁ Forming abstract concepts
⦁ testing new situations
⦁ without reflection the work link between each experience is lost and left underdeveloped, in conclusion a reflective practice ensure that each individual from child to parents will receive support .
Reflective practice - means thinking about and evaluating what you do and discussing any changes which could be made . It relates not only your professional development but also to how you aspects of your role .
You will need to reflect on regular basis and should have opportunities to discuss your thoughts and ideas with your colleagues.
By doing this you will be able to identify areas of strength as well as exploring those which need further roles within schools and inevitably you will find that you are more confident in some situation than others .
By reflecting on your practice and how you work with others you will come to be more effective in your role an The worker may have different values and beliefs that contradict what they see in the workplace. Religious beliefs vary from person to person, also what has been expected of us since a young age. We need to be aware that our beliefs are not that of everyone and it is unprofessional to pass judgement. By recognising other people’s beliefs and reflecting on our past experiences can help us in our role.
The worker may have different values and beliefs that contradict what they see in the workplace. Religious beliefs vary from person to person, also what has been expected of us since a young age. We need to be aware that our beliefs are not that of everyone and it is unprofessional to pass judgement. By recognising other people’s beliefs and reflecting on our past experiences can help us in our role.Everyone has different values, beliefs and preferences. What you believe in, what you see as important and what you see as acceptable or desirable is an essential part of who you are. The way in which you respond to people is linked to what you believe in, what you consider important and what interests you. You may find you react positively to people who share your values and less warmly to people who have different priorities. When you develop friendships, it is natural to spend time with people who share your interests and values. However, the professional relationships you develop with people you support are another matter. As a professional, you are required to provide the same quality of support for all, not just for those who share your views and beliefs. This may seem obvious, but knowing what you need to do and achieving it successfully are not the same thing. Working in the child care sector, you are bound to come across people whose views you do not agree with, and who never seem to understand your point of view. Awareness of differences, your reaction to them and how they affect the way you work is a crucial part of personal and professional development. If you allow your own preferences to dominate your work with people, you will fail to perform to the standards of the Codes of Practice for CHILD CARE WORKERS set out by the UK regulating bodies. All the codes require child care workers to respect and promote people’s individual views and wishes. But how do you manage to make the right responses when there is a clash between your views and those of the people you are working for? The first step is to identify and understand your own views and values. Being aware of the factors that have influenced the development of your personality is not as easy as it sound.
As you examine your existing practice , you may find that the process is challenging and sometimes hard . You will need to reflect not only on the prac