Engage in personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting
1.1 Obtain a copy of your job description to submit as evidence and describe your duties and responsibilities.
My duties and responsibilities as a foster carer are many, i must have child A best interests at heart at all times, i provide a safe and stimulating environment for child A to develop to the best of her ability, to keep her safe from harm and abuse. I must make sure all her appointments e,g doctors dentist and language and speech are attended and up to date and recorded. That child A is taught about personal hygiene and why it is so important to do this daily , where ever she may be living. Be a positive role model for her, show her i am there for her to depend on and what i say i mean and do, help her with her school work giving positive praise for the smallest of tasks. To give her new experiences help her to develop her social skills, give her ways to show how she’s feeling, talk and listen to her about what’s going on, show her that her that she is important , that her views and feelings matter, keep her well informed of what’s happening on her behalf , doing all this and keeping confidentiality.
For me to carry this out to the best of my ability i attend regular training for me to develop the skills i need , also attend meetings with appropriate people e,g social workers, key workers, guardians, teachers and any other professional that has an influence on child A’s life. I also attend a support group that has talks about different issues that may occur and a chance to talk to other foster carers and social workers about any concerns i may have in a confidential setting. I also keep records, daily logs which are kept locked away for confidential reasons, on how child A is doing, and her positive behaviour also any concerns I may have.
I also take child A to contact on a few occasions during the week, having a positive relationship with