When writing a paper, it is never perfect on the front try. Through peer reviews, I was able to revise other student’s papers as well as look at the comments on my own. Rough drafts provide a specific outline, so that the author can see what they need to fix in order to have a finished product. In my first paper, I wrote that, “His repetitiveness compels …show more content…
I am able to communicate more proficiently using words that have a specific connotation to convey how I am feeling towards the subject. Most of the papers that we have written in class were persuasive so I would argue my position by stating statistics or facts to prove my point. Even though I have to keep in mind that I needed to avoid including biased feelings, I have learned how to properly balance an argument so that the audience can see both side’s perspectives and see how one cleanly outweighs the other. Critical thinking is something that I have incorporated into my writing because I want the reader to make logical conclusions from the