Review the Checklist for Revising Business Messages in Chapter 6, on page 162.
List three or more changes you made between your first draft and final draft suggested by the prompts in that checklist: H. Produce the Message
Use effective design and layout for a clean, professional appearance, and include the message after the Case Study Questions below. I. Proofread the Message
Review for errors in layout, spelling, punctuation and other mechanics. Serean Alghebari Human Relations Advertising Inflatable’s 19 Harvest Hills Way 30010- Calgary, AB Dear Mr. Harkington, After evaluating your appeal for reinstatement and consulting our corporate lawyers I have decided that your probation is still in effect. The company policy and rules clearly state that all activity on company premises and equipment during operating hours is subject to monitoring for abuse and misuse of resources. Advertising Inflatable’s incorporated greatly appreciates your talent and level of skills that you continue to deliver but we also strongly believe that you are adequately compensated through your wages and benefits, it is only fair that we monitor what you do with the equipment we provide you and the time we pay you for. Any squandering of these resources will be heavily punished if the warning given by human resources is not heeded. We hope that such incidents do not occur again and we look forward to having you back when the board reinstates you. If you have any issues or questions regarding company policy please contact me. Thank You, Serean