
English 3 Ap Tag Analysis

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English III AP Tag-the class filled with countless essays and numerous books to read and is known to be one of the hardest classes in a hectic junior year. However, I believe this does not fully encompass the true value of English III AP Tag. I believe English III AP Tag with Mrs. Davenport is going to be the best class ever because it makes you a better reader and writer, is a structured class with the freedom to express yourself, and Mrs. Davenport connects with all of her students.
I know that after 180 long days in this class any student would emerge with an increased awareness of English tools such as reading comprehension, writing skills, and an ability to perform on a high level on the AP exam. Although some people claim that English III AP Tag is very challenging, which it is very much is, and not worth the non-stop work, it will only enhance our ability to critically read and write which makes the class great.
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In fact, a summary of each six weeks is provided in Source A which demonstrates how organized and well thought out this class truly is. There is nothing in the six weeks that isn't touched by the source. Also the class has a very lenient late work policy for intermediate and major grades. Source F confirms this, stating that there are only point deductions for being a day or three late.
Mrs. Davenport also connects with students in a way few teachers do. The memes and pictures from Source D show Mrs. Davenport has a similar sense of humor as students, and a common connection with her students’ love of pets.The quotes in her room, Source B, imply a sense of knowledge that she has yet to impart to us, another example of the connection she will create with her students. These personal connections Mrs. Davenport makes with all of her students make the class more

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