Helen Keller once said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Beauty is a kind of quality.” Also, Websters dictionary defines beauty as something that is pleasing to ones sight or mind. However, beauty encompasses so much more than that. Beauty may not be recognized at once in people that you meet, but is recognized through close relationships such as family and friends. After time, beauty shines through a person by them giving their hearts, so the stereotypical guy or girl model that most of the world perceives as beautiful, is not the same beauty that family and friends see. Aaron Spelling director of Bay Watch had this to say “I can’t define it, but I know it when I walk into a room. I talked with a modeling agency that books top male models and they were more descriptive: Its when someone walks in the door and you almost cant breathe.” In the article “What is beauty” it says “The oxford English dictionary defines the word beautiful as excelling in the grace form, charm of color, and other qualities.” Beauty won`t be able to find at once in people
Some feel that beauty is all about plastic surgery, tanning to look their best, and being the skinniest you can be. More and more people are getting cosmetic surgery each and everyday. The popularity of beauty can be dangerous to people who are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve beauty to the