English 102
Underground America For many years, America has always been seen as “the land of opportunity” to achieve the American Dream. Underground America documents the lives and stories of those undocumented immigrants migrating to the U.S for a better life but with the status of being undocumented comes great deal of hardship. The Immigrant are moving to the United State to have a better life because they have a background of a poor economy in their home country. But to have an undocumented status comes in great deal of issues. Immigrants cannot support their family because of working in poor jobs. Being undocumented Immigrants, they do not having same working rights as American but they are doing jobs the American don’t want. The difficult jobs are in horrible conditions, which could kill them in the process. Bosses who abused their powers by paying the workers less and not letting them speak their rights. We learned that majority of undocumented immigrants migrates to the U.S to achieve the
American Dream, but in the end, it is just a false hope. It takes much hardship and struggles just to be a legal in America and, for the undocumented, they overcome the struggles by working hard. The American Dream was a hope for Diana, an immigrant from Peru, who made her have the decision to migrate to the U.S for a better job and better opportunity,
But to have an undocumented status made her realize, life of living in the U.S would be difficult.
Her various jobs as a cleaner were horrible and basically her life was mainly consumed by working: “It was hard work; all jobs here are hard. Life become monotonous: work and home, and then back to work again” (21). Her idea of the American
Dream to have better economic opportunity was false and although Diana was living the U.S, she has struggles with working hard. Her life became a tiring routine. But despite working hard, Diana fought for her rights as an