International integration is a process by which countries remove barriers to trade freely and absorb new technology, new culture... outside national borders. In the integration period, English is considered a bridge linking countries together. Nowadays, nearly 4 billion people all over the world use English as their first or second languages. Fluency in English has become an indispensable skill in the context of economic integration today. In my opinion, English not only helps you to extend the scope of communication but it also brings you many other benefits. Firstly, mastering English allows people to be kept informed of the latest news about fashion , sports, science or politics. For example; 80% of the Websites on the Internet in English and popular Newsletters on TV like BBC or CNN in English. You can update the newest fashion style of the week, the hottest news about a football match at the World Cup or the latest information of the upcoming Iphone. That’s why you easily become fashionable as long as you use English.
Secondly, English offers you great chances for career promotion. Thanks to the International integration, many foreign companies have invested in our countries. They also join Vietnamese companies to do business. So English competence is the priority for big companies to hire staffs as well as considering employees for higher positions. Although there’s no official statistics on the correlation between English proficiency and wages, it’s pretty clear that the oppotunities always open wider for English candidates. Therefore, learning English is very important in the age of integration .And I don’t hesitate to share some tips on English learning with you .
1. Spend at least one hour everyday listening to news or discussion programs such as CNN news or BBC news. It's hard to understand what they are saying when you first begin to listen to them, but gradually you'll get used