Many people think that the teaching of English is playing havoc with our native regional languages. Even the protagonists of Hindi, our national language, are deadly opposed to it.
They think that English is a foreign language and an average Indian can neither understand it, nor express himself in it. Moreover much energy of a child is being wasted in the learning of English. So English should altogether be abolished from this land. No doubt, English is an international language. Most of the research work in science and technology in the world is being done through the medium of English. English is the window for western knowledge to India. A very poor country as India is, it is very difficult to translate all the latest knowledge into national and regional languages. Even if an effort is made in this respect, till the knowledge concerned is translated, the theory has since changed meanwhile. That is why even countries like China and Japan have started giving more attention to the study of English to get the latest knowledge.
It is also argued that our freedom fighters like M.K.Gandhi, JPL. Nehru, Cochlea etc. were greatly influenced by western political thought on freedom through a study of English philosophers, thinkers and poets. English is said to be a great link between different Indian languages and a strong bond for national integration.
Clout, teaching of English leads to large-scale failures in various examinations. Yet, a formula should be evolved such that English is taught in schools and colleges but not at the cost of Indian languages. The teaching of English cannot and should not be dispensed with.
English language has taken deep roots in the country. It has acquired its own identity and character. English plays an important part in maintaining professional relationship between India and foreign investors, flocking to India. Indians have attained a high degree proficiency in this