Module B Assessment Dec 2011
‘Great speeches are the product of style substance and impact’
How have the views of speech writer Graham Freudenberg and your critical study of the speeches informed your understanding of the value of these speeches?
In your response evaluate the ideas, structure and rhetorical/language techniques of at least two speeches:
• Develop a thesis, address the question and refer to the listening component throughout • Demonstrate effective listening skills through close and relevant analysis of two speeches with a thorough integration of the listening component • Understanding of the argument/structure and rhetorical techniques in two speeches • Appropriate use of language and essay structure
General Comments:
The purpose of this feedback is to help you better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your responses.
• The task was designed to test your knowledge, understanding and level of engagement with your texts and your ability to support your ideas through a detailed focus on how rhetoric is used to inform your understanding of the value of these speeches.
• Although the majority of students responded to some aspect of the statement at some point in their essay, it was disappointing that so many failed to sustain their acknowledgement of the key words of the question.
• Before you start writing, you need to think about these things in relation to specific ideas.
• You need to create a thesis in response to the question given and to develop your discussion around clear topic sentences which foreground the idea – you should not organize your paragraph around a technique… the technique will support/illustrate the idea.
• It is not good enough to ‘top and tail’ an essay that you have pre-prepared.
• You need to integrate your discussion around the thesis.
• Construct topic sentences which reflect your thesis.
• Resist