1) Have you seen my parents new car?
Have you seen my parents’ new car?
Der skal bruges et apostrof-genetiv når der er personer.
2) The wolfes were hungry.
The wolves were hungry.
De ord der ender på “f” eller “fe” bliver endelsen til “ves” I stedet for.
3) The police is overworked.
The police are overworked.
Police er et utælleligt or dog det er flertal.
4) She is unhappy to be without a work.
She is unhappy to be without a job.
Job er tælleligt men det er work ikke.
5) He is the only i would ask to help me.
He is the only one I would ask to help me. adjektiver som only skal have have et substantiv at lægge ved siden af.
6) The food tastes really well.
The food tastes really good.
Good beskriver blot maden.
1. mysteries
6. shelves
11. women.
2. thieves
7. studies
12. teeth
8. babies
13. ladies
4. tomatoes
9. clashes
14. roots
5. knives
10. persons
15. leaves
1) Finally they made up their (mind/minds) to get married.
2) The child’s parents had a very different (view/views) on the bringing-up of children.
3) You can find the answer on (page/pages) 10, (line/lines) 19 to 25.
4) They changed (plane/planes) at the Bombay airport.
5) I had not expected my friends to turn their (back/backs) u nus so suddenly.
6) It is 4 (kilometre/kilometres) to the nearest gas station.
7) Let us change (seat/seats) so that i can sit in the shade.
8) They shook their (head/heads) and gave up to the discussion.
9) Children cannot take care of (themselves/themself) in the traffic
Dette er en kort udgave af en roman. Det er mest af alt, almindelig talesprog, dog med en del lange fromme opdigtede ord som ”groovalicious” and ”fabo” Jeg slog det op forskellige steder og fandt frem til at det var et slang for ”Fabolous”. Det lyder