First I begin with the belief that every student can learn if you use their Native language instead of English. As teachers we need to try and reach our students through a variety of ways and language is one way. But again the younger generation and I need to learn our language because we are stuck between not being fluent in English or Navajo. Integrating our language into our classrooms with English will help students become proficient English speakers. It is another way children could grasp the different content areas by relating it to our …show more content…
I believe students need to learn how to express themselves which ELL students need help with communication skills. I know I need help with communicating and providing a response to the question. I have seen quite a few students struggle with communication, they have trouble expressing their thoughts and ideas. I want to give them that voice because boarding school has taught our students to keep their mouths close and not express their prior knowledge. Another thing we do not do is questioning, we are taught not to ask questions which hindered our children rather than it being a good