Name of the System: Cabuloan National High School Computerized Enrolment System.
Description of the System:
In able to reduce the manual and slow process and to lessen the workload in the existing system of enrolment, the researchers come up with this study to create a system that is a practice towards accelerated, effective and professional handling of student’s information and grades. The researchers propose a system which is the Computerized Enrollment System of Cabuloan National High School in order to make their enrollment process easier, faster and more reliable. Through this proposed system, the faculty of the said school can easily track the student’s record that includes the student’s profile, and their grades in every subject. In addition, the researcher also included security measures of the system in order to safeguard the data in the system. The proposed system has three types of users, namely, Administrator, Enrolling Teacher, and User (Teacher). Each user has its own function. To start the process, all users of the Computerized Enrollment System of CNHS must log-in to the system. The Users (Teachers) has limited access to the system, the User can only search the student’s information to view and input student’s grade. The Enrolling Teacher has a broader access to the system. The Enrolling Teacher can add, edit and search student’s information. While the Administrator has widest scope of functionality, it includes maintenance of the whole system. The only restricted thing to the Administrator is to access the student’s grade. It is restricted to the Administrator to protect the privacy of the student’s grade that was already passed by the respective subject teachers. The proposed system can also produce reports like, grades of the student’s, list of students in a certain year level and section, the master list of all the enrolled students of the school in a specific school year. Steps on the use of System:
For the Administrator:
1. Upon opening the system, the Administrator must input his/her username and password.
2. After logging in, the Administrator must select on the menu what he/she should do.
3. If Student’s List menu is selected, a list view will appear.
3.1. Type in the student’s ID Number or Last Name or First Name on the textbox and click View Button.
3.2. After viewing student’s profile, click Back Button to go back to the main form.
4. If Teacher’s List menu is selected, a list view will appear.
4.1. Click Add Button, add for will appear.
4.2. Type in the necessary information. Click Save Button.
5. If User Account menu is selected, a list view will appear.
5.1. To Delete an account.
5.1.1. Select an account on the List View to be deleted and click Delete Button.
5.2. To Edit user account.
5.2.1. Select an account on the List View to be updated and click Edit Button. Edit form will appear.
5.2.2. Edit the information needed to edit and click Save Button.
6. To exit, click on the Logout link.
For the Enrolling Teachers:
1. Upon opening the system, the Enrolling Teacher must input his/her username and password.
2. After logging in, the Enrolling Teacher must select on the menu what he/she should do.
3. If Student’s List menu is selected, a list view will appear.
3.1. Type in the student’s ID Number or Last Name or First Name on the textbox and click Update Button.
3.2. After updating student’s profile, click Save Button to go back to the main form and saves the information inserted.
4. If Enroll menu is selected, a list view and enrollment for will appear.
4.1. Fill up the entire text field and click Enroll Button.
5. To exit, click on the Logout link.
For the User (Teachers):
1. Upon opening the system, the User (Teacher) must input his/her username and password.
2. After logging in, the User (Teacher) must select on the menu what he/she should do.
3. If Student’s Grade menu is selected, a list view will appear.
3.1. Type in the student’s ID Number or Last Name or First Name on the textbox and click Update Button. An Update form will appear.
3.2. On the update form, select the subject to insert a grade and click Update Button. Another form will appear to input the student’s grade.
3.3. After inputting student’s grade, click Save Button to go back to the update form.
3.4. To go back to the main form, just click OK Button.
4. If Student’s List menu is selected, a list view will appear.
4.1. Type in the student’s ID Number or Last Name or First Name on the textbox and click View Button.
4.2. After viewing student’s profile, click Back Button to go back to the main form.
5. To exit, click on the Logout link.
Figure 1. For the Administrator:
Figure 2. For the Teachers:
Figure 3. For the Enrolling Teachers:
Business Rules:
I. User account
a. Each teacher must create a user account to have an access to the system.
b. User account for the administrator and the enrolling teacher was already created by the researcher.
c. Each account has its own scope and delimitation with regards in using the system.
II. Enrollment
a. Upon Enrollment, the student must submit the following requirements: for the new enrollees; a. Form 138, b. Birth Certificate; for old students; a. Form 138; for the transferee students; a. Form 138, b. Birth Certificate, c. Good Moral Certificate.
b. The student is allowed to enroll even if he/she fails to submit all the requirements except for the Form 138.
c. The report card is the most important requirement a student must submit, in order for the enrolling teacher to evaluate if the student passed in the previous school year or not. And for the enrolling teacher also to include the student in a section based on his/her average grade.
III. Editing student’s profile
a. In editing a student’s profile, only the enrolling teacher is allowed to make such task.
b. The enrolling teacher will select a specific student from the list and then fill up the fields which were not yet already filled up.
c. Although the enrolling teacher is the only person who can do this task, he is not allowed to change the student’s id.
IV. Inputting student’s grade
a. This task can only be done by a teacher (user). The teacher who teaches a specific subject is the only person who can input grades to their students.
Figure 4. Entity Relationship Diagram
Database Schema
Table Name
IDno(PK), Lname, Fname, Mname, Zone, Brgy, City, Province, Gender, Religion, Contact, Year_Level, Section, Parent/Guardian, birthcertificate, form138 subject Sub_Code(PK), IDno(FK), Teacher_ID(FK), Description grade Gradeno(PK), IDno(FK), Sub_Code(FK), Grade payment IDno(PK), Pay_No, Pay_Date, Pay_Amount teacher Teacher_ID(PK), Teacher_Name, Major
Database Instances
Table: student
Field Name
Data Type
Students id number
Varchar (25)
Students Last Name
Varchar (25)
Students First Name
Varchar (25)
Students Middle Name
Specific location of the house of the student
Varchar (30)
Name of the Barangay
Varchar (30)
Name of the City
Varchar (25)
Name of the Province
Varchar (10)
Students Gender
Varchar (25)
Students Religion
Int (11)
Students Contact Number
Varchar (25)
Students Current Year Level
Varchar (25)
Students Current Section
Varchar (50)
Student’s Parent or Guardian Name birthcertificate Varchar (10)
Birth certificate of the student form138 Varchar (10)
Report card of the student
Table: subject
Field Name
Data Type
Varchar (20)
Code of the subject
Students id number
Teacher’s id number
Varchar (30)
Description of the subject
Varchar (20)
Description of the room
Table: grade
Field Name
Data Type
Int (11)
Number of the inputted grade
Students id number
Varchar (20)
Code of the subject
Int (11)
Grade of the student
Table: payment
Field Name
Data Type
Students id number
Int (11)
Number of payment made
Date of payment
Int (11)
Amount of payment
Table: teacher
Field Name
Data Type
Teacher’s id number
Varchar (50)
Name of the teacher
Varchar (20)
Teacher’s major
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