As part of the Every Child Matters agenda and the Childcare Act 2006, it became an entitlement of all 3- and 4-year-olds in England to receive a free part-time early years education of up to 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. The government funds local authorities to ensure that every child receives up to two years of free education before reaching school age. Parents do not need to contribute to this, but will be charged fees for any additional hours the child receives.
Early years provision in schools is about supporting very young children. It is distinct from key stage 1 in each country within the UK and is based on the concept of learning through play rather than more formal education, as play has been shown to be an important vehicle for children’s early learning. Although you may not work with this age group, you should have some understanding of the early years curriculum and the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage or the requirements of your home country. As a member of support staff, you may be asked to work with pupils in school nurseries as well as reception classes. If you have not worked at all with children of this age range, you may need to attend specific training if you are to be there for any length of time.
The different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance
There are four main types of mainstream state schools which will all be funded by local authorities and are known as maintained schools. They will all have to follow the National Curriculum, and include:
Community schools – these are run and owned by local authority. This will also support the school through looking to develop links with the local community, and by providing support services. They will also usually determine the admissions policy. They may develop the use of the school facilities by local groups such as adult education or childcare classes.