In this TMA I have ethical guidelines all names have been changed to protect identity. The setting, children and parents have given their consent to activities being used in this assignment and participants were told they could withdraw at any time.
The focus of my observation is a child 's learning through personal social and emotional development with communication and language; I have collected evidence of the learning through five observations within a week. These observations can be seen in the appendix.
The child I have observed is a girl aged 3 years 4 month, she started at the setting 24 weeks ago. Child 1 is what I shall call her throughout the TMA any other children will have additional numbers. Child 1 has been with a childminder from 8 months old while the childminder was on maternity leave she attend another setting every morning while her mum worked the transition from mum solo care to childminder went well. Attending the other setting child 1 was very distressed mum had informed the setting she did not like the idea of ‘nursery’. Child 1 is back with childminder every day and was attending our setting 5 mornings a week.
Key Elements of child’s learning
The guidance for our setting and childcare provider is from the department of children, schools and families. Known as the Early Years Foundation Stage. I have known this child for 5 months now I know I can comfortably fit her within her within the 22-36 age range and some elements of her learning in the above the age range 30-50 months. We know this is the stage the child is at due to observations that were done previously. When child 1 first started we had an information sheet from parents explain child1’s likes, dislikes, abilities, also at staff meetings all staff discuss children with the setting and any observation they see these meeting can be with all members of staff to only the key person and the member of staff that was
References: The Open University (2010) E100 communication and language Study Topic 13, Milton Keynes, The Open University The Open University (2010) E100 Developing positive learning environments Study Topic 10, Milton Keynes, The Open University