Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries with a low resource base, a burgeoning population with a very low land-man ratio, often threatened by both natural & anthropogenic stresses. The vast majority of the population lives almost exclusively on the natural resource base. This resource base is under serious threat and environmental planning is essential for the survival with dignity for Bangladesh’s over 115 million people & for sustainability of the echo system.
Like all other nations of the world Bangladesh also acted to the global call for the protection and conservation of natural environment & ecology. Industrial development significantly contributes towards economic growth of a country. It brings along with it a host of environmental problem too. It is increasingly being recognized in Bangladesh as in other part of the world that for development to be meaningful & sustainable over a longer period environmental concern must be integrated into all development policies.
Integrating environment in all development activities and achieving environmentally sound development planning has immerged as the greatest challenge to the dominant development paradigms all over the world and becomes a more formidable challenge countries such as Bangladesh with resource constraints inherent geomorphologic instabilities along with its vulnerability to natural disaster.
Any planning effort must be for the people as there the users of environmental resources in the final analysis. The constitution of Bangladesh begins its preamble, “ We, the people oh Bangladesh having proclaimed our independence…” .In article 7(1) of the preamble, the constitution proclaims “ All powers in the republic belong to the people, and their exercise on behalf of the people shall be effective only under, and by the authority of this constitution.
The Govt. of Bangladesh through its ministry of environment & forest decided to undertake the national environment management