Environmental Science
As defined by Wikipedia, “Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical and biological sciences, which includes but is not limited to Ecology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Soil Science, Geology, Atmospheric Science and Geography.” Environmental science provides an integrated approach to the study of environmental science, ecosystems, and the changes in them, their depletion and corrective measures. Environmental science is not only a discipline wherein extensive research is conducted, but also one in which measures are thought of to improve the degrading state of the environment. It is the science of physical phenomena in the environment. It studies of the sources, reactions, transport, effect and fate of physical a biological species in the air, water and soil and the effect of from human activity upon these.
Importance of Environmental Science or the need to study Environmental Science:
1. Environment Issues Being of International Importance
It has been well recognised that environment issues like global warming and ozone depletion, acid rain, marine pollution and biodiversity are not merely national issues but are global issues and hence must be tackled with international efforts and cooperation.
2. Explosively Increase in Pollution
World census reflects that one in every seven persons in this planted lives in India.
Evidently with 16 per cent of the world's population and only 2.4 per cent of its land area, there is a heavy pressure on the natural resources including land. Agricultural experts have recognized soils health problems like deficiency of micronutrients and organic matter, soil salinity and damage of soil structure.
4. Need for An Alternative Solution
It is essential, specially for developing countries to find alternative paths to an alternative goal. We need a goal as under:
(1) A goal, which ultimately is the true goal of development an environmentally