The first thing to notice about the structure of the AP Environmental Science Exam is that it consists of two 90-minute sections. You will be given a 10-minute break following Section One.
Multiple choice items count for 60 percent of your final score and take 90 minutes to complete.
Free response essay questions count for 40 percent of your final score and take 90 minutes to complete.
Each free response essay question counts for 10 percent of your final score and takes approximately 22 and a half minutes to complete.
Sample Multiple Choice Question
Environmental Science is the study of the [This is the stem] (A) physical, chemical, and biological interrelationship that make up the natural world [This is the correct answer] (B) relationships that exist between humans and other living things [Distracter] (C) moment of heat and other forms of energy aroung the planet [Distracter] (D) effects of climate change, ozone depletion, and other phenomena caused by human activities [Distracter] (E) evolution of life on Earth from the Paleoarchean Era through the Cenozoic Era [Distracter]
The stem of a multiple choice item may be an incomplete sentence that must be completed or a question that must be answered. In this item the stem is the incomplete sentence "Environmental Science is the study of the."
Each multiple choice item has a single correct answer. The correct answer may simply be the best answer of the five choices provided. In this item the correct answer is choice A.
The four incorrect answer choices are called distracters. Each distracter is designed to resemble the correct answer, so you cannot eliminate it simply because it looks wrong. In this item, the four distracters are answer choices B, C, D, and E.
In most cases, these multiple-choice items are entirely stand-alone, or unrelated to each other. In a few cases, two items may both refer to a single stimulus—generally a graph, table, or