An investigation into the impact of overpopulation and poverty in the community of Highgate for the past Ten (10) years.
Purpose of Project
This investigation was conducted to evaluate the impact of overpopulation and poverty on the community of Highgate for over the last 10 years. The aim is to evaluate the factors causing the growth of the population and the impact of population growth and poverty on the environment.
The researcher would like to express sincere gratitude to the individuals who contributed to the success of the investigation and the completion of this paper.
This school based assessment seeks to both investigate and describe the effect of overpopulation and poverty in Highgate over the last 10 years.
Statement Problem
The population of Jamaica has increased over 25% since the year 1990. Current demographic studies indicate the concentration of this population in most town and major cities of Jamaica as an environmentalist, select a community in Jamaica and evaluate the: * Effect of poverty * Factors causing the growth of the population * Provide suitable recommendations to the relevant authorities in order to minimize the environmental impact of the population growth.
Literature review
Overpopulation is a serious problem that will eventually have an extremely negative effect on our environment and our planet. Problems that arise due to overpopulation could prove fatal epidemic that will eventually wipe out the entire human race. This issue is often over looked due to the lack of knowledge and understanding of the subject or because most of us are “Blessed” that we are not affected first hand by the problem it is causing. Overpopulation is a condition when organism’s number exceeds the carrying capacity of its habitat. This usually refers to the relation between the human population and its environment. Population is the total number human inhabitants
Bibliography: March 18, 2010 Dear Resident,