In the following experiment, the effects of varying enzyme concentrations on the catalytic rate of ALP were tested. The hypothesis was that enzyme concentration will affect the catalytic rate of ALP. The hypothesis was accepted because the data supports the varying absorbance rates in each of the concentrations. In figure 3, cuvette 4a, which contained 500 microliters had the highest absorbance rate compared to cuvette 1a which had the lowest absorbance rate of the set of cuvettes. However, in figure 6, where the enzyme activity was measured by absorbance over time, the high …show more content…
In the final experiment, the effects of temperature on the catalytic rate were observed. The hypothesis was that a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius will have significance on catalytic rate. This proved to be valid as cuvette 4b, placed in a water bath at 60 degrees Celsius, had the highest rate of absorbance of the four cuvettes. Following that was, cuvette 3b at 32 degrees Celsius. It can be inferred that enzymes at higher temperatures tend to have the greatest effect on ALP. Despite the absorbance rate of cuvette 4b, cuvette 1b at 4 degrees Celsius had the highest absorbance rate over time in respect to temperature and cuvette 4b had the lowest in this