Seneca the YoungerLucius Annaeus Seneca (often known simply as Seneca; ca. 4 BC – AD 65) was a Roman Stoic…
A Stoic is a person who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain. One who is not touched by the outside world seem to live inside themselves always thinking that today might be the last. Stoics detach themselves from things of this worlds including objects, people, and to a certain extent their own lives. In Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations and Epictetus’ Discourses they both explain how to properly be a stoic, learning to deny their feelings, respect themselves and nature, and detach themselves from the useless things of this world.…
Cicero, Roman Senator and Philosopher, set up specific qualities of an ideal Roman ruler. A clear role in what it takes to effectively lead. A leader must first lead a dignified life for them to lead a successful empire. Leaders must demonstrate a work ethic and ability to gain respect. With that respect, leaders must love and care for their subordinates to show their compassionate towards the Roman people. Leaders must then demonstrate ethics to provide plans that must be followed in order to bring success to their empire. Politically, Cicero’s ideals reflected on both Marcus Aurelius and Commodus in various distinct ways. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus were men that ruled the empire of Rome and their governance had a profound impact in the Roman history. However while Marcus Aurelius was a grown just, benevolent man who fought for the power of Rome and successfully won the battle, Commodus was young, ignorant, cruel ruler, who demanded respect soon after he took position as emperor, and seriously weakened Roman Empire.…
However, with positive attitudes, there comes some negative ones towards technology too. This means that people did not take the new inventions for granted and just ignored them. This is best demonstrated by Seneca, an upper-class Roman philosopher and adviser to Emperor Nero, who says that he believed that tools were not invented by wise men. He says this because it was not important to him and he did not pay attention to which invention came first. This is further explained by Huan Guan, a Han government official, who says that workers, before he wrote this, were able to produce with the tools they had their selves; but workers during the period when he was writing this, were forced to work with tools given to them by the state and they were crude. He says this because work…
Tzu and Seneca both view learning as a very important aspect of oneself, although there way of which one should learn is quite different. While Tzu is quite strict in the way of which he believes one should learn, Seneca is really laid back and believes as if anyway is a way of learning. Tzu believes learning and getting your education should be done in a set “schedule”. Example, such as, from the time you get up til the time you go to sleep at night there should be a set time for certain subjects, at certain times, for a certain time period. For everything to be right, it must have a set routine. Tzu believes that all those that do not strive to learn are all idiots, or as he says ‘evil and corrupt’. For Seneca, learning can be done in many ways, forms, and to different extents.…
Although Lucius Seneca denies that a liberal education prepares anyone for life, college develops necessary skills to transition…
In book V, Socrates says that philosophers are “insatiable in their approach to learning” (475c). Adeimantus continues and says that those who are brought up in the philosophical life “become quite queer, not to say completely vicious” (487d), and the men in Aristophanes’ Thinkery are quite queer indeed. Socrates also presents the philosopher in the image of the “Ship’s Captain”, in which the philosopher will not rule unless he is asked (488a). Plato and Aristophanes both would most likely agree that the philosopher seeks out knowledge in all things, but they do not seem to agree whether that is a good thing or not. Socrates in The Republic seems to want what is best for the city politically, which he believes would be the philosopher-king. Aristophanes uses Socrates’ lack of political involvement to show that what is best for the city is to follow ancient custom and education in order to continue the traditions of the…
Epicurus says that Pleasure is what we pursue and, what we come back to, but for him pleasure stems from lack of pain. He believed that a life on moderation brought the most pleasure that over indulgence was unhealthy and brought pain. The simple things in life bring the most pleasure. He believed that mental pain was worse the physical pain. He explained mental pain a disturbance of the mind. He urged prudence in our pursuit of pleasures, and that all other virtues spring from it.…
200) I think what Epictetus was trying to say is to not seek or wish to have events happen to you as you would want them to happen. For if you did you would be always be in a rut, always seeking what you want out of like instead of taking what your life has to offer. Each life has something else to offer each individual person. For what might happen to one might not happen for you and it might not happen when you want it too. When people win the big money with the lottery, there is always someone wishing they had that money or luck. They think of things to say of why that person does not even need that money and how you could use it for better and/ or wiser things. Who is to say that you won’t win the lottery tomorrow, the next year or 15 years from now? So there is no reason to wish or be concerned of what you have and do not…
Seneca was the personal advisor of Nero during his reign. He was a stoic philosopher who played a vital role in the running of the empire. Seneca contributed in many aspects of Nero’s reign by introducing reforms, bringing stoicism into practice and playing a key role in the senate. Seneca aided in important decision-making. He led Nero down an appropriate path, particularly when Nero became extremely erratic. He served Nero well and made an excellent contribution during his reign.…
In addition, the Stoics also attributed social behavior to intelligence in terms of politeness, acceptance and tolerance of opinion, speech, and pleasure. Generally, the Stoics and Epictetus viewed life as intellectually based, holding not material objects, bodily actions and control in honor but rather power (and the control of it), behavior, our will, and intelligence. Epictetus and the Stoics believe in living according to Nature with a interconnected character, will, and act of power and are not concerned with death but rather the judgement that comes from it. The Stoics also seek to live a virtuous life free of all passions that are harmful while being respectful, obedient to authority and the gods, and mindful of your body.…
Epictetus states that when someone offends you or wrongs you to the point where they irritate you, it’s not the act or person that insults you but the belief that you create when the action or person interacts with you. An example of this would be someone who purposely says hurtful things or charged statements to incite anger or ill-advised actions from you. What Epictetus deems, is that the person acting against us is not causing us to become irritated, but the image or perception that we craft from their actions that causes us this feeling of malcontent. In order to avoid this feeling we must become aware of this misguided feeling of irritation and not be swayed by it to better control our temper and avoid any negative actions that may inflict more self-harm in the future.…
A central component of their education was learning and reciting Homer’s epic poems, which provided practical lessons in morality and honed their oratory skills. Pericles’ own education was uniquely advanced thanks to tutors such as Anaxagoras of Clazomnae, who emphasized reason over tradition and developed a theory of the physical world based on the ordering principles of the mind. This became the philosophical foundation for Pericles’ political metaphor: instead of a dictator controlling a mechanical world, the proper image was a prime mover that inspired individuals towards a common civic endeavor. Additionally, according to Plutarch, Pericles also learned “a lofty spirit and an elevated mode of speech” from his teacher. Such presence enables a leader to persuasively convey his vision and gain the power to enact…
Essentially, Epictetus is saying that happiness is achieved through accepting dependence and vulnerability peacefully, rather than resisting. Others may have the power to take away your freedoms and your possessions, but whether these events negatively affect you is reliant only on your will. Though your favorite cup may fall and shatter, it is your own free will that chooses whether to dwell on the loss or to shrug your shoulders, say “such is life,” and move…
Lucius Annaeus Seneca and Erich Fromm, these two men were born almost two millennia apart and yet both wrote on a subject which is incredible relevant to our society today. This subject is the need for refocus and change from unhealthy outward attention to healthy inward attention. While they both focused on healthy inward living, they accomplish this task from different directions. Seneca focused on the healthy inward person working out while Fromm challenged an unhealthy outward focus tracing it back to a need of inward health.…