• ‘substantial’ is more than minor or trivial - eg it takes much longer than it usually would to complete a daily
• ‘substantial’ is more than minor or trivial - eg it takes much longer than it usually would to complete a daily
The ‘Equality Act 2010’ – The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone. These include things like age, disability, race, sex, pregnancy,…
Disability has several definitions. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a disability as: a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity; a record of a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity; or when an entity takes an action prohibited by the ADA based on an actual or perceived impairtment.…
In regard to the Equality Act (2010), it would be a regulatory requirement to practice within its boundaries and create a learning environment where all can participate and fulfil their potential, being aware of different forms of discrimination, direct, indirect, by association or perception against people with ‘protected characteristics’ such as race, gender, gender and sexual orientation, disability, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage/civil partnership and age.…
The Equality Act came into force on the 1st October 2010 and it aims to provide a simpler, more consistent and more effective legal framework for preventing discrimination. The stated aim of the Act is to reform and harmonise discrimination law and to strengthen the law to support progress on equality. It will replace the following equality legislation:…
Within the educational setting there are many pieces of legislation that must be adhered to. One of these is the disability and equality act 2010, this piece of legislation ensures that pupils who are disabled or have a mental illness are given the right to attend education and learn and achieve without being discriminated against or excluded. For example if I have a pupil arrive in a wheel chair I will have to make reasonable adjustments for that pupil i.e. move the whole class to the ground floor or see if they could attend an alternative course but in most colleges now a days they will have a lift so I will have to rearrange tables and chairs to accommodate for that pupil.…
The Equality Act 2010 provides a new discrimination law which is there to protect individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society.…
The Disability Discrimination Act gives rights to disabled people to prevent discrimination on the grounds of disability. It is unlawful to discriminate in relation to employment, the provision of goods and services, the management, buying or renting of land or property, education and transport. The act was introduced over a period of time.…
The Equality Act 2010 was put in place to group together over 116 pieces of legislation in order to prevent discrimination, harassment and victimization and to promote equality for all. There are new protected characteristics to prevent discrimination on the grounds of: age, being or becoming a transsexual person, being married or in a civil partnership, being pregnant or having a child, disability, race (including colour), nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, belief or lack of religion/belief, sex and sexual orientation.…
The Equalities Act of 2010 combines 116 different legislations to provide a legal framework the purpose of which is to protect the rights of individuals. It simplifies past legislation providing the UK with a law that protects individuals from discrimination and make society equal.…
The Equality Act also provides rights for people not to be directly discriminated against or harassed because they have an association with a disabled person. This can apply to a carer or parent of a disabled person. In addition, people must not be directly discriminated against or harassed because they are wrongly perceived to be disabled.…
(1)A person (a “service-provider”) concerned with the provision of a service to the public or a section of the public (for payment or not) must not discriminate against a person requiring the service by not providing the person with the service.…
In the area of access to goods and services for disabled people, for the most part the Equality Act simply replicates the provisions in the Disability Discrimination Act. As such the strengths and benefits of the legislation will broadly be maintained – but so will the flaws and weaknesses. The development of the Equality Act, and the rules and regulations that will accompany it, represents an important opportunity to look to tackle some of the problems in the current…
In health and social care you will work or support people with various disability. This disability Act status it unlawful to discriminate against someone has disability. Are covered include: employment, access to goods, facilities and services of organisation, education etc.…
Legislation and regulations that have impacted on promoting equality, diversity and inclusion include: relevant sections from, eg European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Mental Health Act 1983, Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986, The Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, The Children Act 1989, Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, Disability Discrimination Act 2005, Human Rights Act 1998, Data Protection Act 1998, Nursing and Residential Care Homes Regulations 1984 (amended 2002), Care Standards Act 2000, The Children Act 2004, Disability Discrimination Act 2005, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Age Discrimination Act 2006, Equality Act 2012, Social Care White Paper 2012.…
The Equality Act also provides people with a disability from discrimination within the workplace. The Act requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to their work surroundings if they are inviting someone with a disability into their workplace for an interview or for employment. These adjustments can include lifts or wheelchair access for someone who is in a wheelchair or providing help for someone who has dyslexia with their reading and writing when it is required. Under the Equality Act 2010, someone is classed as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has an effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Under the Equality Act it is unlawful to not provide reasonable adjustments to accommodate a disabled worker or to refuse to employ them because of their…