Question 1
Case Study 1
Who is being discriminated against?
The whole family is being discriminated against. 2
What kind of discrimination is taking place?
Racial discrimination.
How might the child experiencing the discrimination feel?
Dominic might be feeling excluded, lonely, confused and have low self esteem as he could feel that the children he sees attending the school have a higher status in society as they are allowed to attend the school. He is old enough to have probably attended school in his home country before moving to Britain and may be missing it and may make him feel anger towards the country/system he has moved to. He will be worried for his Uncle in prison without understanding why he is there. Dominic may also feel an amount of resentment to his parents as he might not understand why they have not tried to get him into the school if this has not been discussed with him. He may feel disempowered as at such a young age he might not feel able to express his feelings succinctly to his parents. 4.
How might the discrimination affect other children in the setting?
If there are other children within the hostel who are attending the school they might feel that Dominic is different as he doesn’t go to school like them. This can lead to them not wanting to socialise with him as children have a propensity to shy away from people/situations that are different to their “norm”.
The children that are living in the surrounding area would wonder why this child is not going to school like most of their peers. This could lead to them thinking that Dominic, and other asylum seekers are different to them and perhaps lower in the social sector. They may not want to socialise if they see him outside school in a park or play area for instance. This can perpetuate the problem.
What could be done to prevent the discrimination?
The managers of the hostel, who