After observing the calming impacts of therapy dog programs on young children, Dolce and Knapp wondered if the same held true for high-school …show more content…
They were given the Silver Award for their placement.
Although more testing is required for a definitive answer, for those looking to improve things like their reading or speaking skills, Dolce says to “interact with your animals more, practice at home.” There is no telling how many different kinds of animals have the same effect, and it cannot hurt to try.
This information is also potentially useful to many teachers. According to this study, more accurate results of a student’s scores on reading literacy tests, oral presentations, or even tests in general could be obtained just through an animal presence. Working with the agricultural section of the school, the stress levels associated with these types of assignments could be significantly reduced with small “field trips” to the agriculture section of the building.
Of course, none of this could have been possible without the support of the teachers. Dolce credits Animal Science teacher Amanda Thomson, for “letting us use the horses, and all the Ag teachers for letting us steal the sophomores once a