Jean-Claude Sagot*, Valerie Gouin, Samuel Gomes
Equipe de Recherche en ERgonomie et COnception (ERCO),
´liard, Belfort, Cedex 90010, France
Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbe
The aim of this paper is to give a number of methodological and theoretical indicators concerning the contribution of ergonomists to the execution of design projects of new products. Within the context of a design project, the present work therefore describes the studies and ergonomic analyses that can be undertaken during each phase of the design process from a design model based on concurrent engineering. Encompassing the design of the driving cabin of the new generation of high-speed trains (TGV-NG), this paper, through the ergonomic study of a number of technical sub-systems of this product, illustrates the advisory role of the ergonomist who, within the collective design process, ensures that the specific nature of the ‘‘human factor’’ is fully integrated into the design approach. Thus, throughout the design process, the ergonomist is called upon both to advise the designer on the characteristics of the target users and, on the basis of a ‘‘desirable future activities’’ approach, to help him or her assess the consequences of the design choices made. Ergonomics is described consequently, as an innovation and safety factor.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Methods; Ergonomic design; Concurrent engineering; Product design; High-speed train;
Driver’s cabin
1. Introduction
Complaints, accidents even disasters, occupational diseases, drops in both productivity and quality, increased unit costs and a high number of breakdowns are just some of the consequences of the poor design of any product or system that does not take man and his role as a factor of reliability and safety into account.
In our view (Sagot,
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