Trust versus mistrust
The first five stages of Erikson’s model, cover infancy through adolescence. Each stage is marked by a …show more content…
This occurs from eighteen months through three years of age. Erikson believed that during this stage a child develops a sense of what is good and what is bad in terms of their own identity (Capps, 2012). Attaining autonomy denotes a sense of pride and independence where a child learns that certain actions can has positive influences. In contrast to autonomy, a child may feel ashamed and doubt their ability to act independently. The psychosocial strength that develops through increased independence is what Erikson refers to as will. According to Merriam-Webster (2014) will is “used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulness” and highlights their freedom of choice and …show more content…
At this stage a child develops a sense of initiative whereby they begin to interact, make judgements and assert more control over their world. The pursuit of goals and the ability to imagine, provide a child with a sense of purpose. At the age of three through six years a child is developing their identity in terms of gender, interactions with peers and self-esteem (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2010). Although still ego-centric at this point, a child’s self-esteem and purpose are important strengths to understanding the dynamics of engagement, morals and behaviours. Children who find themselves in conflicting situations as a result of their initiative may experience guilt. Guilt that develops in this stage may impact a child later on in life when having to exercise control or can initiative when performing a task. Furthermore, guilt can effect self-esteem and one’s ability to engage appropriately with their