The ERP implementation life cycle consist of;
Pre evaluation Screening
Package evaluation
Project planning phase
Gap Analysis
Implementation team Training
Going Live
End-User Training
Post Implementation
Pre-evaluation Screenings
In order to develop a new ERP package the available packages should be evaluated before coming to the solution But this pre evaluation should be done with a chosen number of packages since there are hundreds of packages and vendors are available In this stage packages that are not suitable for the company’s business process should be eliminated and only the identified necessary ERP s should be studied extensively using brochures, product literature, white papers, web sites, etc…
Package Evaluation
This is a most critical phase since the success or the failure of the project depends upon the package Evaluation and selection and the direction of the entire implementation as well as the outcome will depend on this.. Since there is no ERP s which matches 100% with the organization’s business requirements, the objective of this phase is to identify a package that gives a ‘good fit’ by satisfying most of the core requirements.
Package evaluation committee should be set up including members such as functional experts/end-users from affected division, top management (CIO, COO, CEO, CFO), and external impartial consultants.
Project Planning
At this phase It is necessary to prepare the entire roadmap of implementation with milestones fixed and resources needed. This purpose of this is to prepare a detailed plan about the implementation. Setting up implementation teams as steering up committee, operational committee and task allocation are done in this phase. The project planning is usually done by a committee with team leaders of each implementation group. The time schedules as when to begin, when to be completed is also estimated within this phase. The project