Vinoraj Selvaraj
School of Computer and Information Science
University of South Australia
Mawson Lakes, Australia
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implementation is regarded as complex, cumbersome and costly, and, very often, it exceeds the initial estimated resources. The process involves a thorough examination of the business processes in the organisation; selection of the best available software solution that matches the requirements of the enterprise; configuration of the selected systems;, training of staff; and customisation of the selected software solutions including development of required interfaces. Finally, the existing MIS of the organisation is replaced totally or partially by the new system. All the implementation processes should be carried out without affecting the daily operations across the whole enterprise. Due to the fact that this implementation contains a large number of processes, there are bound to be several issues regarding the implementation. This study examines the issues posed to ERP implementation projects in either manufacturing or public sector organisations.
Enterprise Resource Planning, Issues, Case Study.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is identified as the essential platform upon which companies are building their competitive business process upgrades (Caruso 2003). An ERP system is an integrated software solution that spans the range of business processes that enables companies to gain a holistic view of the business enterprise. It promises one database, one application, and a unified interface across the entire enterprise (Bingi, Sharma & Godla 1999). Due to the fact that ERP systems provide companies with a means to have an integrated and unified business process, companies have not been swayed from investing large amounts of money on
References: SVP Research, AMR Research Inc (2003) P Critical issues affecting an ERP implementation Information Systems Management, 16 (Summer (3)) (1999), pp January 25, 1999, ppl 68-70. Al-Mashari,M., Al-Mudimigh, A and Zairi, M.(2003),“Enterprise Resource planning: a taxonomy of critical factors “, European journal of perational research, Vol 146, pp. 352-64. Hongjiang Xu; Rondeau, Patrick J.; Mahenthiran, Sakthi Koch, C., "Surprise, Surprise," CIO, June 15, 1996. Livermore, Celia Romm; Rippa, Pierluigi. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 2011, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p5-26, Hoch, Julia E.; Dulebohn, James H