Analysis and Design
What is ObjectObject-Orientation & ObjectObjectOriented (OO) Methods? (C++, Java,
What is OO methods used for?
What are the features of OO methods?
How are they different from SSADM?
Henry Lau
Intro to IS - OOAD
Object-Oriented Methods
A technique for system modelling
A technique to manage complexity inherent in
“Using object-orientation as a base, we model a system as a number of objects that interacts.” analysis, design, and implementation
For the analysis and design of system
Provide integrated view of hardware and software Provide a methodology for system development Intro to IS - OOAD
Intro to IS - OOAD
Is It Any Good?
Some Qualities of OO
A system which is designed and modelled using an objectobject-oriented technology is:
Easy to understand
Directly related to reality - semantic gap
Natural partitioning of the problem
More flexible and resilient to change
Systems can be developed more rapidly and at a lower cost
Understanding of system is enhanced, as
Intro to IS - OOAD
the semantic gap is reduced
Modification to the model tend to be local as they often result from an individual item, which is represented by a single object Ideally suited to model real systems, systems, and simulating systems
Intro to IS - OOAD
OO Methods
Some Examples of Using OO
Object technology is key to rere-engineering
ObjectObject-Oriented Design (OOD) - Booch (1983),
business process at Xerox
Space telescope uses OO technology and
Booch Method to build interface to Hubble
British Airways choose OO tools for airline applications pioneering but not quite scalable
ObjectObject-Oriented System Analysis (OOSA) Shlaer & Mellor (1988), essentially information analysis based on data modelling
ObjectObject-Oriented Analysis (OOA) - Coad &
Yourdon (1991), a method for developing OO system model
Intro to IS - OOAD