Sheet number 1 of 6
Student name Stacey Shaw Student number 00286397
Place inspected Athelstan Primary School Date of inspection 09 / 06 / 2015
Control measures
Hazards and consequences
Immediate and longer term actions
1. The risk of causing a road traffic accident and risk of child being hit by a vehicle due to the poor parking and limited visibility.
3. Risk of gates closing and trapping a child’s hand/fingers due to insufficient bolt down mechanisms
4. Risk of slip, trips and falls due to damaged floor surface (potholes)
5. Risk of unauthorised entry into school grounds or children leaving the grounds unaccompanied
6. Risk of biological contamination to the sand pit in the foundation play area
7. Risk of tripping due to uneven surface on external walkways to classrooms
8. Risk of branch falling (due to a split branch) onto people from a tree in the main yard
9. Risk of personal safety to Caretaker due to lone working
10. Risk of stress to Receptionists due to abusive parents
11. Risk of health by exposure to asbestos.
12. Risk of health exposure to legionnaires disease
Immediate – Communicate with parents to encouraging alternative methods of getting the children to school such as walking, cycling.
Medium - Paint double yellow lines on approach roads to restrict parking around school. Work with Local Authority to develop a traffic management plan. Involve the local constabulary to police the area during opening and closing times.
Long term – Look to implement a reward scheme for children/parents who utilise the existing drop off system (The drop off system is an existing example of good practice that is already in place. The drop off zone is a safer method of dropping the children at school. The vehicles pull up in