Esperanza Rising a juvenile young girl, written by Pam Muñoz Ryan. Set in post revolutionary Mexico during the time of the American great depression. Examines the plight of the Mexican farm workers as they struggle to adapt and survive in the United States. This novel tells the story of a young girl living in Mexico in the 1930’s who finds herself transplanted to the San Joaquin Valley of California due to difficult family circumstances. While in California, she experiences real life, not only as a Mexican girl whose life is influenced by the customs and traditions of her heritage, but also as a migrant farm worker in the U.S during the depression. This novel influences on how life was in the 1930’s during the Great depression, how people were acting very positive on they’re achieving their goals time by time. The great depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding the World War II. This great depression varied across nations, in less words lack of work and money. Yet many people were moving out to other nations that are when immigration started it. For example in this novel Esperanza and her family moved out from Mexico to California due to work and living conditions. Yet this great …show more content…
depression affected all people in the meaning of poor, rich people. Which all its income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped. The unfairness of the working conditions inspires many Mexican workers to strike or stop working until the employers agree to pay them more.
Moreover other people did not stop looking for jobs until they had obtained what they wanted. For example in the novel Esperanza Rising; Papa used to tell Esperanza her daughter “Aguantate tantito y la fruta caera en tu mano” (“ wait a little while, and the fruit will fall into you hand”), This piece of notice that his dad gave his daughter was a good example of how civilians were positive on how the economy was going to improve that they need to not worry if thing got worst. Yet it was a great example to give their family and children that type of advise, not letting them
down. Esperanza’s grandmother uses the zigzag pattern in her blanket as a way of explaining the ups and downs of life. When things are easy, you’re at the top of a mountain. When things are hard, you’re at the bottom of a valley. This type of words is the difficulties on how life was in that time in 1930’s. It seems how all people were struggling with their accommodations of living, but over than that they had a positive attitude. Waiting to get up the top of the mountain, and have a great success. In conclusion it all stated that the book Esperanza Rising gave a big message to all people that suffer in the 1930’s in the great depression. Yet this book carried many important things and examples. In my point of view Pam Muñoz Ryan the author seem that he pass thru that experience or somebody that he know him pass thru it. But in clearance it all make sense of the novel on how people were positive and giving support each other on that everything was going to change. Not only it gave us a good message but it also gave us a premonition on what may happen today or later in the future.