Table of Contents
6 8 10 14 18 20 22 25 IntroductIon HIstory EducatIon HEaltH sports & youtH tHE EnvIronmEnt mIcro EntErprIsE BuIldInG nEW InItIatIvEs
Day meal distribution at local school
Our Mission
From the beginning, our business and social commitments have always been mutually reinforcing and has always featured as an integral part of our business. We feel a strong sense of responsibility towards those less fortunate and we strive to build their capabilities and create better opportunities for them. To improve their lives and to strengthen our communities, we are committed to undertaking initiatives in the Social (Education, Health and Sport), Economic and Environmental sectors.
CSR Report 2012
We grow because we work together. In our factories, offices, projects and within our communities we stand alongside each other and together, we benefit.
Our mission ‘touching life everyday’ began a decade ago and like the beanstalk in our logo, our journey has been one of continuous and robust growth and expansion! The Chaudhary Group (CG) has come a long way since our humble beginnings. Today, we stand as a multi-industrial, transnational conglomerate spanning five continents. CG is now a leading entity with various companies in Finance, Banking, Insurance, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Electronics & Home Appliances, Real Estate, Education, Energy, Education, Biotech, Cement and the Hospitality industries. The vast range of our companies, products and services are all inspired by our efforts to touch lives, to support lives everyday, offering the comforts, convenience and the assurance of quality. At Chaudhary Group, social responsibility is an integral part of the way we do business. To build a nation, we believe in supporting the communities in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. This translates into the group’s Triple Bottom Line - we strive to be socially responsible, environmentally sound and