In this section you will find useful information about Best Practices in Early Childhood: articles and other resources that offer strategies you can apply in the important work that you do with young children and families.
General Best Practices in Early Childhood Education * Instead of Saying: Learn how to replace negative statements with positive language to effectively guide children’s behavior and the best ways to resolve issues that arise during play time and other routine activities. * Time for Play, Every Day: It’s Fun – and Fundamental This document from the Alliance for Childhood describes the important benefits of play for children of all ages, offers ideas for guiding children’s play, and lists resources for reviving play. * Discipline Policy This handout was adapted by A Small Wonder Preschool in Las Vegas, NV, from Jennifer Birckmayer’s work in "Seven Procedures of Discipline," (Discipline is Not a Dirty Word, Jennifer Birckmayer, New York: Cornell Cooperative Extension, 1995)and provides guidelines for ensuring effective discipline with young children
Best Practices for Infants and Toddlers * Environmental Chart: Learn how to set up both the physical and the social environments to promote the healthy development of infants and toddlers. (Adapted from Infants, Toddlers and Caregivers, Janet Gonzalez-Mena and Dianne Widmeyer Eyer, New York: McGraw Hill, 2007.). * Best Practices for Infants and Toddlers: The New York State Child Care Coordinating Council has published guidelines for working with infants and toddlers, including 10 components of Quality Child Care for Infants and Toddlers, Attachment at Home in Child Care, Primary Caregivers and Continuity of Care, and Responsive Caregiving for Babies and Toddlers. * A Day in Day Care: A Program for Two-Year Olds : This document written by Jennifer Birckmayer and published by Cornell University Media Services offers a good