You will also have more opportunities. People who go to college open up their choices …show more content…
Traits are some of the things employers look for when they decide whether to hire you or not. Although, college may not be for everyone because you can not force someone to learn if they do not choose to receive it. When considering why you should go to college, is it worth imagining where your life is going to be 10, 15 or even 30 years down the road. As overwhelming as that may seem. Where do you want to be today, tomorrow and in the future? Attending college will help you answer these questions, develop a realistic plan for accomplishing your goals, and equip you with the knowledge and skills. You will see your goals and ambitions through to the end. Although college may lead you into debt it can make you have a superior life in the end. According to The College Board, college graduates have an advantage to getting the job since they have more knowledge, and have pushed themselves through hardships and rugged times.
A college degree is essential to have. College is very valuable in this generations economy. I have added a graph below to show you the higher your education, the higher your pay. At college you will make connections and meet new people you have never met before. People who could contribute to more success in your life. You may even meet your future spouse. You may also start a tradition. If you go to college your kids and grandchildren may want to go to. I encourage you to go to college. You know