College is a place to get your education that will earn you a good amount of money and will pay off later in life. In the article College is Worth the Cost by Brooks, Holtom states, “People who graduate with bachelor’s degrees will earn nearly twice as much over the course of their careers.” “College grads earn $2.1 million in lifetime income.” Since people who go to college are earning so much money, college is just a little portion of that. People’s jobs that they got from going to college are earning all that money so college is to thank for that. Also in the article Getting Ready for College Early: Steps 1, 2, 3, 4 by the U.S Department they stated, “On average a person who goes to college earns more than a person who doesn’t.” By going to college it will earn you a lot of money and you will have extra over your lifetime. Lastly, in the article College is Worth the cost by Brooks, Holton states, “Even if they go with the more expensive education option, college grads net on average an extra $800,000 in lifetime earnings.” If people are earning that much money by going to college, …show more content…
Some people may argue that college is a waste of money. For example, in the article College is Worth the Cost it states, “The cost of four years tuition for a public school amounts to approximately $28,000 and for private school is about $100,000. This may be a lot of money, however, this argument is wrong because you will earn more money over your lifetime with your job you get from college. You will have a lot of extra money that can help pay off bills, but still have some for yourself. You will earn way more money than people who don’t go to