EDPL 240 / 340 - Supervision of Instruction ------- Page 1 of 25
NOTE: All writing in class should be formatted according to the Publication Manual of the American
References: Leonard, E.C. Jr. (2013). Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management (12th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.…
CM intinitally met with MGM and VC at Unveristy Hosptial to discuss the allegatiosn of inaduquate supervision. Ms. Demmons reported that Mrs. Brown gave her Power of Attorney over her and the children. Ms. Demmons reported that Mrs. Brown is still married to Mr. Harold Brown, Jr. (BFa), but that they are separated. Ms. Demmons reported that VC Ja’nyhia and Malachi go over on rotating weekends to visit Mr. Harold Brown, Jr. at his residence where he resides with his father Harold Brown, Sr. Ms. Demmons reported that the alleged maltreator (Ayanna Tyler) lives with Mr. Harold Brown, Jr’s. mother and goes between both homes. Ms. Demmons reported that VC Ja'nyhia is around Ms. Tyler at her paternal grandmother's house and her paternal grandfather's/father…
Format your essay consistent with APA 6th edition guide lines using atleast4 peer-reviewed sources, one ofwhich isthe coursetext.…
Hilgert, R., & Haimann, T. (1991). Supervision: Concepts and practices of management. (5th ed.). Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western Publishing Company.…
Greb, W. (2011). Principal leadership and student achievement: what is the effect of transformational leadership in conjunction with instructional leadership on student achievement? (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (Document ID 3468985).…
At GSH, Cynthia Boccia OTR/L is the OT director in charge of the facility. The director’s role is to hire practitioners, aids, and receptionists; mentor practitioners in the facility; conduct mentorship meetings; and create schedules for the practitioners based on the hospital’s consensus (OT, PT, and ST). At this site, the director provides general supervision where she meets with the OTs, PTs, STs, and the rehabilitation aid at least once a month; there are no OT assistants at this site. During monthly visits, the director holds educational meetings that follow hospital protocols. Boccia is located off site and is in charge of three locations, so she mostly reaches the therapists via virtual communication. In the workplace,…
Given Johns history I believe the most appropriate supervision program for him would be house arrest. This type of supervision will allow John to get on with his life, but also ensure he is being a productive member of society. Since John has somewhat of a criminal record and doesn’t always make the best decisions, house arrest can give him the time to reevaluate his life decisions under the supervision of a someone who can help guide him. If John was given house arrest after being released, he will be expected to obtain a job or enroll in school to further his education. He will also have to check in with a parole/probation officer periodically to ensure he is complying with the terms of his release. If John is not complying with his house…
Short paper assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length requirements: 1-2 pages undergraduate courses…
The discrimination model of supervision developed by Bernard & Goodyear, (1998) has three primary focus areas in training novice counselors these include use of intervention, what the supervisee is doing in the session that is observable, conceptualization or how the session work is being conducted and the level of understanding the supervisee has regarding client themes and application of specific counseling session interventions, and personalization, the supervisors own approach or method. This model embeds three essential supervisory roles, teacher, counselor and consultant in providing effective supervision. The teacher's primary role is to provide the supervisee with instruction in learning techniques and direction to ensure supervisee development in clinical work while also recognizing that client wellbeing is paramount in sessions. The counselor role is to assist the supervisee in identifying personal needs, developing self awareness and addressing performance anxiety which potentially interferes with good practice, and as a consultant who engages the supervisee in a collegial manner in identifying and considering different approaches in treatment planning.…
On July 20, 2013 I reread the two textbooks, paying particular attention to the sections on supervisory techniques and teacher development levels. I took copious notes and arranged them according to headings. On July 22, 2013 I conducted a literature search on schools that had instituted a distributed leadership model. I downloaded relevant articles and took detailed notes. I drafted, polished, and revised my paper and completed the assignment on July 25, 2013.…
In a school, as is the case in any organization, the efforts of individuals and groups must…
Before you begin, make sure that you understand the following rules for formatting your paper:…
Nondirective supervision involves the teacher being an essential part of the decision making process. While the teacher is reflecting and thinking through his actions for instructional improvement, the supervisor assists in this thinking and reflection process (Glickman& Gordon, Ross-Gordon, 2008). This is shown through the principal giving feedback, but the teacher working out the next steps on her own. The positive aspect of this type of supervision includes the teacher feeling comfortable enough to ask their administrator for help when needed and feeling comfortable enough to take risks in their classrooms (Rettig, Lampe, and Garcia,…
Luke, M. & Bernard, J. (2006). The school counseling supervision model: An extension of the…
This model is also flexible enough in which it can be used in different counseling settings. A research study conducted by Luke, Ellis, and Bernard (2011), compared the effectiveness in the use of the discrimination model of supervision in a clinical and school setting. The researchers found that unlike clinical supervisors, supervisors in the school setting only focused in on one of the three dimensions of the discrimination model. It was further found that this was due to the culture of the environment. This had a direct impact on the quality of supervision provided for the supervisee. It was concluded that counselors will thoroughly follow the model depending on the culture of the population they are working with. Other settings in which this model has been used include inpatient treatment (Byrne & Sias, 2010).…